You'd be mad not advertise on Atlantic 252. The renowned name, the heritage, the dedicated following and the legendary status! Atlantic 252 captivated over 6 million weekly listeners in the 90s. Today, those listeners are parents, business owners and homeowners. They're the decision makers at home and in work with purchasing power, and they are all listening again to their favourite station the grew up with... ATLANTIC 252.
With a DAB coverage area alone reaching 4 million people across Greater Manchester and Liverpool - and with expansion plans into multiple North West areas in the next six months - Atlantic 252 offers a robust audience base. Coupled with the huge audience accessible via APP, Online, Radioplayer and Smart Speaker, It presents a significant opportunity for businesses aiming to target the 40+ demographic who hold sway over finances, decisions, and time, both in the workplace and at home.
To feature your business on Atlantic 252 complete the contact form below and one of our awesome sales team members will be in contact.